Fly Delta App Promotions
Promoting SkyMiles partners where it matters most
Many Delta customers are active users of many of Delta Air Lines' partners, but are unaware of the programs that connect them, thereby failing to earn rewards and the enjoyment brought by them. I sought out to drive awareness and discoverability of these perks through an efficient and cost-effective change to Delta's Fly Delta application.
In this design sprint, I served as a UI and UX designer.

Rapid Insight
Based on studies conducted by BCG and the Bureau of Transport Statistics, we know a few key things about the travel tendencies of millennial and emerging travelers.
They are:
More likely to book further in advance for cheaper tickets
Not traveled enough to discriminate between carriers
Are more likely to book through online travel agencies to compare prices
More likely to to fly low-cost carriers
Less enticed by miles earned with flights as it requires more travel spending
Rapid User Interviews
Four participants (2 corporate travelers, 2 leisure travelers)
All knew about the American Express co-branded credit card
All preferred Delta SkyMiles (particularly the lack of expiration)
Most deferred to loyalty mileage to influence chosen carrier
All have used Lyft and Airbnb
None were familiar with Delta's partnership with Lyft or Airbnb
What it Offers

Competitive Analysis
Many competitors' loyalty programs either rely of large single purchases to earn mileage or low return active participation
Delta has unique partnerships with businesses that offer continuous passive accrual
~73% of Delta travelers ages 24-41 use the Fly Delta app
2% of active SkyMiles users have linked Lyft to their account
1.3% of active SkyMiles users have linked with SPG Crossover
0.4% of active SkyMiles users have linked Airbnb to their account
28% of SkyMiles users have the American Express SkyMiles credit card
Lyft and Airbnb have a practical role in the aviation experience for leisure and corporate travelers alike

By streamlining the discovery of Delta partners via the Fly Delta app, budget-minded eHVCs will be more likely to enroll in rewards programs, link to partner accounts, and fly Delta.

Site Map and User Flow


Interactive Prototype